Friday, February 3, 2012

Episode 11 of “HASH IT OUT WITH JANE” on KUSF-IN-EXILE - featuring Bethany Stevens

This episode of “HASH IT OUT WITH JANE” was a real learning experience for me.  My special guest this week was Professor Bethany Stevens who is a Sexologist, among many other interesting things.  She also has a slightly different degree of the same disability as me which is, Osteogenesis Imperfecta.  She is an accomplished and successful woman whom I have the utmost respect for.  

I was very surprised at how drastically different we are.  For this I shall give myself 10 lashes with a wet noodle because it is wrong to make assumptions about people!  BAD JANE, BAD!!  However, I admit and make no apologies for the fact that I did cut a portion of our interview where Professor Stevens talks about a book she is going to write, because I found the subject matter disturbing.  I'm a true Libra though so in an effort to be a fair and non-judgmental Hostess, here is the link to her blog 'crip confessions' where you can learn more about her work.


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