Friday, May 25, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


photo by Tom Trainer
Who says that video killed the radio star?  Ok, the Buggles did...but they were mistaken!  My name is Jane Hash and I am possibly the smallest, wheelchair using, radio show Host with the largest personality the entire history of "ever!"  

The main focus of "HASH IT OUT WITH JANE" on KUSF-IN-EXILE is people with disabilities and related issues...from a bit of a radical perspective.  While I do my best to keep it gimpy, I also address a variety of social issues and play an eclectic mix of music.

While I don't always share the same ideals and perspectives as my guests, I love to interview a variety interesting people on the show.  Would you like to be the next guest on "HASH IT OUT WITH JANE" on KUSF-IN-EXILE?  Is there someone who you would like to hear me interview?  Below is a list of requirements to be considered as a potential guest on "HASH IT OUT WITH JANE" on KUSF-IN-EXILE.

  • You must listen to at least two archived episodes first, just to make sure you won't regret it in the morning. (The archives are listed on the right side of this blog.)
  • You must either be a dwarf, have a disability, body/intellectual abnormality, or work in a field that promotes the well being of people with disabilities.
  • You must be accomplished or successful in some interesting capacity.  Previous guests include published authors, music producers, public speakers, performers, and educators.
  • You must have an external microphone, high-speed internet, know how to use SKYPE and have a quiet space for at least 30 minutes.
  • Keep profane language to a minimum because I do all the recording and editing myself and I'd rather not spend hours cutting out all your potty mouth comments.  It's bad enough that I spend hours cutting out MY potty mouth comments.
  • Don't be judgmental 
To be a guest or suggest a guest, send an email to:

Monday, May 21, 2012

THE ALLEN THEATER - 2 thumbs up

photo by Tom Trainer
Saturday night was an enchanted evening, to say the least.  My date and I went to the Allen Theater at Place House Square in downtown Cleveland, Ohio to see the performance entitled "Dare To Be Different" by the Dancing Wheels Dance Company and School.  The show definitely lived up to its title by including Dancers of multiple abilities, ethnicity's, ages, sexual orientations etc.  The performance kept the audience mesmerized.  I didn't even want to blink for fear of missing something!

The reception following the performance was a fun and elegant affair which included fountains of chocolate for dipping strawberries, complimentary champagne, a live band and colorful performance Artists romping about as if no one else was there.  I felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland and loved every minute of it.

Did I mention how personable the performers are?  In addition to being exceptionally talented, the Dancing Wheels performers are a really fun bunch of genuinely nice people.  I talked to as many of them as possible at the reception and let them know how much we enjoyed the show.  I even got the opportunity to meet their guest performer from L.A., Jen Bricker.  She is just as lovely off-stage as she is on-stage.  We exchanged a few pleasantries and I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes that she will be a guest on my radio show!

In closing, I must praise the Allen Theater for the way their wheelchair accessible seating is laid out.  The are several 'parking spots' so more than one wheelchair user can attend an event.  Also, it is very inclusive instead of segregated like some establishments.  A person with a disability can attend events at the Allen Theater without experiencing the "back of the bus syndrome."  The Ushers are super helpful as well.

Thank you Mary-Verdi Fletcher, Dancing Wheels, and Jen Bricker for a wheelie good time.  (Sorry, this entry was lacking cheese.)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Episode 24 of "HASH IT OUT WITH JANE" on KUSF-IN-EXILE - featuring Nathasha Alvarez

This week Nathasha Alvarez, founder of AUDACITY MAGAZINE, joined me for some interesting conversation on "HASH IT OUT WITH JANE" on KUSF-IN-EXILE. We are both fun-sized, close in age and have the same disability (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) yet many of our perspectives on life are as different as night and day.  Enjoy!
Nathasha Alvarez
Twitter @audaciouslady

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Episode 23 of "HASH IT OUT WITH JANE" on KUSF-IN-EXILE - My New Wheelchair

This week we celebrated our victory of overcoming multiple Medicare denials and finally getting me the wheelchair that is imperative to my health and independence!!  In this episode I explain how I formulated my plan to get what I need and how all of you helped.  As I promised, here are photos of me in my hot new ride!

In my kitchen

One of my favorite features on this AMYSYSTEMS power wheelchair is the seat elevation.  You'll notice in the next two photos that I'm at different elevations.  If I look a bit tense, it's because giant bumble-bees were buzzing in my ear!!  Fortunately, I didn't get stung.
high elevation
low elevation

Another feature that is an absolute necessity for those of us who sit on our asses all the time is the 'tilt' feature.  You'd be amazed at how much damage that just sitting can cause a person's booty.  I like to keep the junk in my trunk in tip-top shape.  This feature allows me to shift my body weight and change positions so I never develop any skin issues on my bodacious bootay!

This wheelchair is made pretty solid and I am a harsh critic when it comes to such things.  Wires 'under the hood' are in sensible places instead of dangling where they can and will get caught on things.  Tie-down loops for riding in a vehicle are even part of the frame which is a very nice bonus.
from behind

under my hood

Photo shoot, courtesy of Tom Trainer.  Many blessings and tons of gratitude to all those who contributed energy toward this manifestation!  Thank you.

Music Playlist

Monday, May 7, 2012

House of Blues Gimp Avenger Review - 1.5 Thumbs Down

As a lifelong wheelchair user I have learned that before I go somewhere that I have never been, it is in my best interest to call first and ask many questions about the layout.  

Tip: Don't ever just ask if the venue is "accessible" because a lot of folks don't know what that means.  Ask, "How many floors?" and "Are there any steps at all?"  Be as detailed as possible with your questions.  

Ok, back to my story.  I recently called the House of Blues and explained that I was about to visit the HOB for the first time as a guest of someone who rented a balcony box for a party of approximately 15 people.  I further explained that I am a wheelchair user and I asked my standard list of probing questions.  The representative on the phone assured me that I would have no navigation issues and I would be able to get where I needed to go.  She said they even had a bathroom near the balcony boxes!  Awesome, right?

When I arrived at the House of Blues, everything and everyone seemed very accommodating.  An employee escorted my date and I to the elevator and even pushed the buttons for us.  Strangely nice...  Maybe he was trying to over compensate for the fact that the elevator looked and sounded like a crime scene waiting to happen.  Anyway, we made it to the balcony and caught up with our party who was lined up at the box entrance waiting for our friend who had the "box pass."  

There are two things you things that you can always depend on when you roll with the hippies who I roll with. #1 Someone will be late.  #2 Once all parties arrive, you will experience an unforgettably good time.

Our friend showed up, presented the pass, and the usher directed our party to enter the box.  My date and I were the last in our line.  The usher stopped us and I expected he was going to direct us to another elevator because there were steps to get down into the box.  I was wrong.  He looked at me and pointed the opposite direction and said "Wheelchair seating is over there."  I responded with "Are you seriously going to separate me from my friends?"  He looked very confused and said "That's where the ADA seating is.  You don't have to use it though."  The ADA seating was nowhere near where my friends were.  

None of our friends heard what was going down and I really did not want to put a damper on their good time.  I was a guest after-all.  So, I held back the Rosa Parks speech that was formulating in my brain.  I made a quick decision to let go of the horrible feeling of discrimination and just party on like the rock star that I am!  Fortunately, I'm very small and I was with a big, strong guy who just carried me down the steps into the box.  A good time was had by all.  However, I doubt I'll go back to the House of Blues.
Jane Hash and Nancy
Pimpin' Taint Easy

Friday, May 4, 2012

Name that movie!

If you are here looking for the opportunity to vote on the title of the documentary about your favorite, fun-sized, dwarf-of-many-hats, just look to the upper right and cast your vote!
Jane Hash and Skully
photo by Tom Trainer