Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Had a Dream

As hard as I try, the one thing I have never been successful at is keeping a low profile.  One wouldn’t think it would be a challenge, considering I’m less than three feet tall and only weigh 38 lbs.  Fortunately, I am generally successful with all my other endeavors so I guess it all balances out.

Although all the information in this blog is true, I originally started this under a ‘secret identity’ simply as a means of teaching myself how to blog.  I’ve read many articles claiming that blogs are useful tools for sharing information and promoting people’s agendas.  So, I figured that if I knew how to blog, that when the documentary about me is finished I can set up a blog to promote it.  That was seriously my only objective. 

My last entry was March 30th, 2011.  That night I had an intensely prophetic dream which was the prelude to a most significant life-changing event.  In the dream, I entered a store.  All the merchandise was arranged in a perfect circle.  The first item directly to my left was a baby-carrier.  The next was a package of diapers.  As the large circle made its way around the store, I noticed that each item was something used at each stage of life…in chronological order…baby-carrier, diapers, tri-cycle, 2-wheel bike, etc.  The very last item in the circle, directly to my right, was my Grandmother’s closed coffin (she passed away when I was a child.)  I woke up immediately, sweaty with a racing heart. 

The next day, my phone rang.  I didn’t want to answer it because I had an overwhelming feeling that something had happened to my Mother.  I was right.  For the next five months I watched my Mother slowly, painfully, slip away.  Sometimes I sat next to her bed.  Sometimes I lay next to her.  We took great advantage of the times she was lucid and conscious.  We mended every misunderstanding and even shared a few laughs.  I lost my whole spring and summer but I gained a lifetime of peace.

When my Mother was nearing the end of her journey here on Earth, I found out that my niece was pregnant and very far along.  She hadn’t told me because of all the stress I was under.  Exactly six weeks after my Mother passed away my great-niece was born (on my Birthday) and is named after my Mother and I. 
I often think of my prophetic dream when I reflect on the events of the past year.  If you call me a Witch…I’ll say “thank you.”
As I was easing back into my life, Medicaid in Ohio went to shit.  The next few videos illustrate what happened and what I did about it.

video two

The events to follow are best described in episode 1 of "HASHING IT OUT WITH JANE" ON KUSF-IN-EXILE (the link is to your right, near the top of the screen.)

Seriously...who could fabricate all this shit??  Certainly not me.


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